Entries by TouringDays

Cambodia Frequently Asking Questions

When is the best time to visit Cambodia? Peak seasons fall from the middle of December to the early of January, everything looks busy, hassle and hospitality services are unprecedentedly booked up quickly when most of people start to escape to celebrate Christmas and New Year Eve. However, from November to the end of February is considered as the best period for planning a holiday trip to Cambodia…

Siem Reap Province in Cambodia

Siem Reap is the significant tourist destination in Cambodia, 320km from Phnom Penh Capital with short flight 45 minutes, 6-7 hours by speed boat in high-water season (mid of September to December) and 6 hours by overland, it’s where hundreds of impressive ancient Angkor temples were constructed by Khmer Empire, especial the renowned Angkor Wat temple was built in 12th century…