Angkor Thom

Angkor Wat Daily Tours

Built in 12th century during powerful Khmer Empire, the marvelous Angkor Wat is widely famed for her unrivaled masterpieces and unique architectures. Listed as one of UNESCO world heritage sites in 1992, Angkor Wat is the major, significant tourist destination which annually attracts more than 2 millions of tourists from over the world to come to visit her majestic complex. Beyond, there are hundreds of ancient temples built across the country but you’re curiously enhanced main temples such South Gate of Angkor Thom, the everlasting smiles of Bayon, intertwined Ta Prohm jungle temple, intricately carved Banteay Srei, Preah Khan and so on.

Explore Exciting Tours

Best Angkor Guided Temple Tour 1 Day

Angkor Wat Temple

Angkor discovery is a full day guided day tour that provides you the best insights of Angkor complex within the small circuit beginning from South gate of Angkor Thom…

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Angkor Sunrise and Angkor Temple Tour

Sunrise at Angkor Wat Temple

Angkor Wat Sunrise and Angkor Temples is a fully guided private day tour that gives you the best temple experience of Angkor complex within the small circuit including…

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Main Angkor Temples with Banteay Srei Tour

Banteay Srei Temple

If you’re seeking to explore the best of the main Angkor temples with your 1 day trip in Angkor Archaeological Park, this great combination ideally gives your day well…

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Grand Tour and Banteay Srei with Sunset

Banteay Samre Temple

The tour is suitable for those who plan to visit more Angkor temples on the next day after exploring small circuit tour to Angkor Wat. On this journey, you’re going to stroll around…

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Rolous Group and Banteay Srei with Sunset

Pre Rup Temple

After exploring small circuit tour to Angkor Wat, you may consider to visit more temples and it’s one of the best options for Day 2, you’re going to discover the first capital…

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Kbal Spean Trekking, Banteay Srei and Beng Mealea Tour

Beng Mealea Temple

The fantastic day adventure to witness remote less touristy attraction; through active trekking to see the riverbed of 1000 linga carvings of Kbal Spean to well-known…

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Wildlife, Kbal Spean Trekking and Banteay Srei Tour

ACCB Wildlife Sanctuary

If you love wildlife and wish to learn more about Cambodian wildlife sanctuary, this is absolutely designed to meet your expectation. The private journey includes…

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Kbal Spean Trekking, Banteay Srei and Grand Circuit

Kbal Spean trekking

To those who like to explore Angkorian temples for the next following days after visiting Angkor Wat, this private tour would be an ideal for you to go beyond. Definitely…

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