Beng Mealea Temple

Siem Reap Adventure Tours

Ideally expand your trip experience to see some of hidden ancient temples in Cambodia included Beng Mealea temple as well as a relaxing day tour to soak in beautiful Phnom Kulen waterfalls, and wildlife sanctuary is available if you want to witness how Cambodian endangered wildlife is being cared and reserved. Extraordinarily, you can do both tours in one day for your have short time for your vacation in Cambodia.

If you take private car to Phnom Penh Capital, you will have chances to gain a few of tourist attraction below and we’re happy to advise a suitable sites for your journey. Our current suggested sites are Kompong Khleang floating village or Sambor Prei Kuk temple group.

Explore Our Adventures

Phnom Kulen Waterfalls Tour

Phnom Kulen waterfall tour

Leisurely enjoy the relaxation near the fascinating waterfall of Phnom Kulen national park, cool off and swim under the falls. The holy Phnom Kulen…

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Beng Mealea Jungle Temple Tour

Beng Mealea Temple

Explore the hidden ruined temple “Beng Mealea” sitting within the lush wilderness and is famed for its serenity, intertwined trees and the perfection for photographing…

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Beng Mealea and Banteay Srei Tour

Banteay Srei Temple

From magnificent Angkor Wat to the natural Tonle Sap Lake, Beng Mealea ruined temple combined with intricately carved Banteay Srei tour provides a great fully guided day…

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Phnom Kulen Waterfalls and Banteay Srei Tour

Phnom Kulen Reclining Buddha

Greatly combined Phnom Kulen waterfall with Banteay Srei at the end of the journey. The guided tour offers fantastic walking tour to see the holy shrine atop the mountain…

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Phnom Kulen Waterfalls and Beng Mealea Tour

Beng Mealea Temple

Cool off and swim under the fascinating Phnom Kulen waterfall, enjoy the guided walking orientation to unlock Angkor history, see the giant reclining Buddha statue…

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Kbal Spean Trekking, Banteay Srei and Beng Mealea Tour

Beng Mealea Temple

The fantastic day adventure to witness remote less touristy attraction; through active trekking to see the riverbed of 1000 linga carvings of Kbal Spean to well-known…

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Wildlife, Kbal Spean Trekking and Banteay Srei Tour

ACCB Wildlife Sanctuary

If you love wildlife and wish to learn more about Cambodian wildlife sanctuary, this is absolutely designed to meet your expectation. The private journey includes…

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Kbal Spean Trekking, Banteay Srei and Grand Circuit

Kbal Spean trekking

To those who like to explore Angkorian temples for the next following days after visiting Angkor Wat, this private tour would be an ideal for you to go beyond. Definitely…

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